May 8, 2015

Whole 30 Part 2

Day 5 May 3rd: Sunday with church we usually just grab something quick and head out the door. I packed an egg, cantaloupe and avocado to snack on. Usually we make breakfast for lunch but I had to skip the usual routine and made myself fish, vegetables and sweet potato to eat with my family. The craving for sweets is pretty much gone today. I had one small date roll while in church. The rest of the day I snacked on fruits and sautéed vegetables.

Day 6 May 4th: It was a busy day today. I grabbed an apple and an avocado as I head out the door this morning. Hubby cooked up some fish and broccoli for me to grab as I stopped by at home long enough to get him so we can go do one final errand before picking up our son. The rest of the night I had some melons and vegetables for a snack and a piece of date roll to satisfy my sweet tooth. Overall I am feeling good today. As I sit and type this up, I realized I didn't take my usual nap today. Could it be that I am getting more energy than normal? I guess I'll see what happens in the next few days.
NOTE: I had forgotten that I wasn't supposed to consume too much fruit or avoid it all together, so I will avoid them for the duration of this challenge.

Day 7 May 5th: Yesterday I felt great. Today I was a bit tired. I took a nap in the morning to prepare myself for another busy day. I started off with these eggs, sweet potatoes and mixed vegetables. I bought these new organic eggs and for some reason they cook a lot quicker than my usual eggs. In order to get these brown organic eggs sort of over easy, I bring the water to a boil and let it cook for one minute. I then turn the heat off and let it sit in the hot water for 3 minutes, then run it under cold water to stop the cooking process. These turned out exactly the way I'd like to eat hard boiled eggs.

Dinner was a turkey burger with sweet potatoes and half of an avocado. Overall I don't have to keep eating because I don't feel hungry all the time like the first few days. I also had some fruits throughout the day when hunger strikes.

Day 8 May 6th: I did ok today. I got tired of whole avocados so I mashed it and added some lime juice and a bit of salt to make guacamole and it went on top of the eggs. I felt a bit tired so I took a nap. I think me being tired was because I didn't get enough sleep. Overall I feel like I am a bit lighter than when I first started the challenge.

Day 9th May 7th: I think I am getting used to what foods I can and cannot eat. I do need to add some variety to my meals. I am still doing good and hanging in there. Unfortunately I deleted the photo of one of the dishes I ate today.

Day 10 May 8th: Since I am trying not to eat fruit, I went and bought some jicama. It has a nice crunch and a hint of sweetness to it. I love eating them plain. Today I think I am tired of eggs too. I really need to look at the book for some new recipes to try out.

I changed up dinner just a tiny bit by eating pork instead of chicken. I felt like just eating even though I am not hungry. The pork I had for dinner had a seasoning that I thought was store bought so that would have mean added sugar and other ingredients, but hubby told me he made the seasoning from scratch so it was ok. Phew!!! Crisis averted.

Tomorrow is Mother's Day weekend. This is going to be interesting.

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